Wednesday, February 1, 2012

God is SO Good!

Looking back at some of my posts last week, I realize we haven't shared how God has worked everything out. Here are some PRAISES:
My sister was able to postpone her jury duty. She will be able to watch the little ones. Thank you, God.
Thanks to all our Lifesong donors, we have all the cash needed for travel! Praise God! (We will worry about paying off the credit card and the money we borrowed later!)
We are almost packed! This 2 weeks has gone SO fast!

Prayer requests:
Shawn's assigned seat on the plane is 2 rows up from me and Jake, please pray that someone will trade with us!
Safe travels and good weather!
Pray that Sophie's foster mom is preparing her for us. We've been told she's excited about being adopted, we hope she has really been told what will happen and that her heart is open to her new family. She's going to grieve, it's just a matter of when and how. She's lived with this foster mom since she was 3 weeks old.
Pray that she will begin to bond with us during our 16 days in China.
Pray for us all to stay healthy!

Thanks for coming along on this journey of FAITH with us!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Shawn and Deb,
    We're praying that God will prepare your hearts and Sophie's heart for your encounter. May God bless your travel time. Let us know if there is anything you need here.
    In His Grace,
    Amy Joy
