We have been setting limits especially for safety and respect issues, but I really went out on a limb to get this picture! I really wanted a picture of her *smiling* with her welcome home sign. She knew exactly what I wanted and would hide behind the sign, or stand in front and scowl!
I wouldn't let her ride the tricycle after Katie's turn until I got a picture with a smile! We (me and Zack) had to be really goofy, but I finally got one! Crazy what a parent will do huh?
(Close enought! I win!)
Shawn and I had a great time giving piggy back rides to the girls and wrestling and playing lao hu (tiger). It was a great bonding activity!
She was ready to eat dinner and wanted to help Mommy. She is a very capable little 6 year old! She stirred the oil mixture with the whisk to make oriental salad. We had what I thought was a sort of odd combination of pork tenderloin, oriental salad, and ramen noodles! But it turned out to be really good! Sophie ate lots of everything. She is eating meat now! We started with dark chicken meat and she hasn't stopped. She is really willing to try the foods we eat all of a sudden! At lunch I was heating up some leftover chicken noodles for her and she wanted the turkey sandwich! I know she doesn't like cheese so I took that off her piece and she pointed at it and wanted it on her sandwich, then proceeded to eat the whole thing! I'm delighted. She is eating SO much that she'll HAVE to fill out! If she ever stops moving! Though she and Katie are the same height, they are about 8 pounds different...that 8 pounds FEELS very different on a little body! I have to use a shoe lace as a belt to keep her leggings on her tiny booty!! Not kidding! But it works! And she's so amazing she can tie the shoe lace in a slip knot after going potty and get it off before going potty!
Love hearing all that is going on! We need to get to your house soon...the kids have been asking when we can come over. Now that the play and Upwards are over, it should help!
ReplyDeleteShawn, Katie, and Sophie make a great looking totem pole! How fun!
Love you all!
Diane and gang