Friday, April 19, 2013

Double Digits

Ok, so I haven't blogged in a LONG time!

Here's what you've missed:
My "baby" boy hit double digits!
Yes, he is 10!
And along with each birthday....I am taking away his baby card.
He likes to play the "I can't do that (insert chore that he doesn't want to do) because I am too young!"
I don't buy it!
With increased responsibility comes increased privileges, and vice versa.
He's a long way from getting his man card....
but I am happy to give him his big boy card!

Happy Birthday, Zack!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Gotcha Day-1st Anniversary!

February 5, 2012
Meeting Sophie in Nanchang, China

February 5, 2013
Gotcha Day  1st Anniversary Celebration
Eating out at a Chinese restaurant at Sophie's request
We were having such a nice relaxing time,
and the food came so fast, that
I didn't get pictures of everyone else or the food!

We did get some pictures of the 2 girls in their Chinese dresses!

Here's what you asked for thinking you
 could have anything you wanted on this day:
Scrambled eggs for breakfast
(sorry, I didn't have bacon, you were bummed.
You LOVE bacon)
At your request you did a LOT of school.
Actually, you asked to be the only one to do school today
so you wouldn't have to wait for me to work with the boys!
(That didn't happen, though!)
You got to play Just Dance after lunch.
And for dinner, the family (minus Ryan, plus Emily)
went out to eat at a nice Chinese restaurant.
After dinner, you demanded the boys and I play Rummicub
with you and you won!
And now, (while I'm typing) you are watching
Phineas & Ferb!
Happy Gotcha Day, Sophie!

Hopefully this weekend I will finally get to the post:
"One Year Later"
You are doing SO WELL!!
Thank you God for this wonderful gift of this sweet, fun, little girl!
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Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Living in America...

means not having to eat orange peel.

Today at lunch she ate her noodles....and an orange...
and then tried to eat the PEEL!

She's never done that before.

I stopped her and said, "Don't eat the peel."
She said, "I ate it in China."
I said, "You live in America now. You don't have to eat the peel!"
She said, "It's good."

And this goes for chicken bones too! In China she ate the chicken bones. She wants to eat them now and again, my response is "You live in America; you don't have to eat the bones." I grew up not eating orange peel or chicken bones. Is it just me? Do other Americans eat chicken bones and the peel of an orange?

 WOW! She's so "Americanized" but sometimes these little things pop up and remind me that
less than 1 year ago she lived in China!

On the flip side, she's lost so much of her language...

She tried to sing a little Mandrin kid's song this morning

but only remembers the FIRST WORD!

But we all remember the tune....but we don't know the words!
Sad :(
But good, because she sure knows a LOT of English!