Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Ripstick Basketball

We are trying to encourage our kids to be outside and exercise instead of inside playing video games.
Zack taught himself how to ripstick, with some tips from big brother Josh. Then tonight he was doing this! Sophie is working on rebounding and passing!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

More Back to School!

Now everyone is back to school!
Matt started Monday. He is saving money by living at home and commuting.
(which is why his picture is with the car!)

Josh started his sophomore year in HS on Wednesday.
Starting midweek and with a half day is so nice!

Where does the time go?
I can't believe how old these guys are!
I don't even feel old enough to be their mom!

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Back to school

Ryan is back to school, well, back to campus!
He was SO READY to get back!
He volunteered to be part of the move-in crew just so he could move in early. 
No more summer job.

He said good-bye. He was bouncing in the driver's seat as we neared the town.

Bring stuff in...

Getting organized

Meeting up with a friend, Kiley.

Then a trip to Walmart and to Sam's and I drove off for the 5 hour return trip with an empty van.
Wish I had pictures of his roommate, Rohit and his girlfriend, Anna,
but they were both coming back the next night.

First Day of School

First Day of School!
Mom insisted we take pictures! 

I was lucky to get all these smiles....

Cuz one little girl just wanted to do school. 
What was with taking pictures anyway?

And here are the boys in our class:
So handsome!
When they start getting on the bus, it's easy to say, smile here or
 I'll follow you to the bus with the camera! 
They were very cooperative and smiled without too much trouble!
Not that they were as excited as Sophie to begin the school year.
 they're not!

So "summer" is over and back to the books for these boys.

But Sophie has been doing school all summer! 
She LOVES school and literally begs for it almost every day!
It's so special to have a student who really WANTS to learn!